Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Biceps Workout

Goad a man into “showing his muscles” and undoubtedly he’ll give you the good ol’ double biceps pose. “Where’s the gun show?” “It’s thatta way!”
We asked Young what he thought were the most popular biceps exercise at his gym: “I would say the standing dumbbell and barbell curls and the preacher curls seem to be really popular because people can turn and look at their left or right arm while they’re doing it,” says Young. “And in their head they’re thinking, ‘I’m getting bigger, I’m getting stronger’— that type of thing.” With so much time and attention given to the glorious biceps, it’s surprising that there has been no real conclusive research to determine which is the most effective exercise for targeting the biceps. 
So the American Council on Exercise, America’s Workout Watchdog, commissioned the exercise scientists at the University of Wisconsin–LaCrosse and its Clinical Exercise Physiology program to find an answer. Young, now a graduate student at UWLAX, would help shepherd the study along under the guidance of department head John


To determine which exercise is the most beneficial for activating the biceps brachii, researchers compiled a list of the eight most commonly used exercises for targeting the biceps:>
• Cable curl
• Barbell curl
• Concentration curl
• Chin-up
• EZ Curl (with both wide and narrow grip)


Immediately following both testing sessions, researchers crunched the numbers. When compared to the other seven exercises, the concentration curl came out on top, eliciting significantly higher muscle activation of the biceps than any other exercise tested (Figure 1).
According to Porcari, it’s important to note, that when training the biceps, other muscles, such as the AD and BR, can become involved in the lift, effectively taking a portion of the load away from the biceps, and thus reducing the relative effectiveness of that lift.

With that in mind, researchers found that for the AD, the incline curl, concentration curl and the chin-up had significantly less muscle activation than the barbell curl. The incline curl and preacher curl elicited significantly lower muscle activation of the BR compared to the EZ curl (narrow grip).


 “When you look at it, the concentration curl was significantly better than anything else. And I think the reason is that you’re really isolating the biceps muscle more so than in any of the other exercises,” explains Porcari. “Some of the other exercises called into play the anterior deltoid or the front of your shoulder more, and for a lot of those, it’s almost natural to just swing your whole arm or shoulder forward to stabilize before you lift.” Not only did the current study show that the concentration curl had the greatest biceps activation, but that the activation of the AD was significantly less than most of the other exercises. This may be because during a concentration curl, the humerus is pressed against the leg and does not allow the upper arm to sway, which isolates the biceps. According to Young, there may also be something mental going on with the concentration curl (it may be aptly named, after all) to make it markedly more effective. “Motivation-wise, it always helps when you can see results,” notes Young. “So when you look down and can see the muscle working it helps with your focus. Whether it’s subconscious encouragement or whatever, I think that helps.” That said, Porcari puts the relative effectiveness of the concentration curl into perfect context with this comment: “The upside of doing a concentration curl is that you pretty much totally isolate the biceps. The downside of the concentration curl is that you pretty much isolate the biceps.”

So if you’re bodybuilder, or a lover of the mirror, and you want to really work your biceps, then there’s one clear choice: the concentration curl. But if you want to strengthen your biceps and other muscles of the arm for functional fitness, to make yourself better at the everyday movements we encounter in daily life, then you have more options. For sure, every arm workout should include the concentration curl, but the best way to ensure that you activate other key muscles of the arms is to sprinkle a couple of the other seven biceps exercises into your routine as well.

“Definitely don’t skip the concentration curl if you want to get stronger biceps,” says Young. “But variety is the spice of life. And you should mix it up and choose from any of the other exercises we tested because they’re all pretty much just as good one another.”

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Workout Plan


You’ll begin the program with a full-body training split, meaning you’ll train all major bodyparts in each workout (as opposed to “splitting up” your training). Train three days this first week, performing just one exercise per bodypart in each session. It’s important that you have a day of rest between each workout to allow your body to recover; this makes training Monday, Wednesday and Friday — with Saturday and Sunday being rest days — a good approach.
The exercises listed in Week 1 are a collection of basic moves that, while also used by advanced lifters, we feel are suitable for the beginner as well. Notice we’re not starting you off with only machine exercises; a handful of free-weight movements are present right off the bat. Reason being, these are the exercises you need to master for long-term gains in muscular size and strength, so you may as well start learning them now. Carefully read all exercise descriptions, starting on page, before attempting them yourself.
In Week 1 you’ll perform three sets of every exercise per workout, which over the course of the week adds up to nine sets total for each bodypart, a good starting volume for your purposes. With the exception of crunches for abs, you’ll do 8–12 reps per set. This rep scheme is widely considered ideal for achieving gains in muscle size (the scientific term is hypertrophy) and is commonly employed by amateur and pro bodybuilders alike.
Notice in the workouts below that your first set calls for eight reps, your second set 10 reps and your third set 12. This is referred to in bodybuilding circles as a “reverse pyramid” (a standard pyramid goes from higher to lower reps), where you decrease the weight each set to complete the higher rep count. For example, if on your first set of lat pulldowns you used 140 pounds for eight reps, try using 120 or 130 pounds on set two and 100–120 pounds on set three.

You’re only a week into the program, yet you’ll begin to train different bodyparts on different days with a two-day training split (meaning the entire body is trained over the course of two days, rather than one as in the first week). You’ll train a total of four days this week; the split includes two upper-body days (Monday and Thursday) and two lower-body days (Tuesday and Friday), and each bodypart is trained twice. Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday will be your recovery days.
Several exercises from Week 1 are carried over to Week 2, but one move is added to each bodypart routine — with the exception of abs — so you can train all muscle groups more completely from multiple angles. Chest, for example, includes two exercises: One is a compound movement (dumbbell bench press) that involves multiple joints (both the shoulder and elbow) to work the largest amount of muscle possible, and the other is an isolation exercise (dumbbell flye) that involves only one joint (shoulder) and targets the pecs to a greater extent. (When doing presses for chest, the deltoids and triceps are involved to a degree, meaning presses don’t isolate the pecs as much as flyes do.)
You’ll again employ a reverse pyramid scheme of reps, though in Week 2 you’ll go slightly higher in reps (15) on your third set of each exercise. Fifteen reps may be just outside the ideal muscle-building range, but these sets will help you increase muscular endurance to provide a solid foundation on which to build size and strength going forward.

In the third week of the program we step it up to a three-day training split: Train all “pushing” bodyparts (chest, shoulders, triceps) on Day 1; hit the “pulling” bodyparts (back, biceps) and abs on Day 2; and work your lower body (quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves) on Day 3. As in Week 2, you train each bodypart twice a week, so you’ll hit the gym six days this week.
One new exercise is added to each bodypart routine to provide even more angles from which to train your target muscles to promote complete development. You’ll hit each muscle group with two exercises of 3­–4 sets each: four sets for large bodyparts (chest, back, shoulders, quads, hamstrings) and three sets for smaller bodyparts (biceps, triceps, abs, calves). The result is 16 total sets for the week for large bodyparts and 12 sets total for smaller ones — again, working in the 8–15-rep range — which is a substantial increase in volume from Week 1.

In the fourth and final week of the program, you’ll train four days in a four-way split that hits each bodypart just once (except for calves and abs, which are each trained twice). Four-day splits are common among experienced lifters because they involve training fewer bodyparts (typically 2–3) per workout, which gives each muscle group ample attention and allows you to train with higher volume. As you’ll see, chest and triceps are paired up, as are back with biceps and quads with hamstrings, each a very common pairing among novice and advanced bodybuilders. Shoulders are trained more or less on their own, and you’ll alternate hitting calves and abs — which respond well to being trained multiple times per week — every other workout. No new exercises are introduced in Week 4 so that you can focus on intensity in your workouts instead of learning new movements.
Rep schemes remain in the hypertrophy range this week, but overall volume increases by adding more sets to individual exercises: up to five sets per move for larger bodyparts, and even 10 sets of calf raises on Thursday. This bump in volume will ensure that your muscles are overloaded sufficiently to continue the growth they’ve already begun experiencing in the first three weeks. Completion of this four-week program now entitles you to go to the next stage.

Friday, 15 April 2016

About body building

1 – Big weights don't necessarily equal big muscles One of the fundamental principles of resistance training is Gradual Progressive Overload (GPO), which means that for a muscle to get bigger and stronger it must be subjected, gradually, to heavier weights – or so that's how we typically translate the GPO principle. However, there are tons of ways to give extra stimulation (overload if you will) to a muscle and force it to adapt.
You could do one more rep. You could rest less between sets. You could do an isolation exercise for that muscle immediately prior. You could do the negative (eccentric) part of the rep more slowly. Or you could simply focus on squeezing that muscle more during the contraction as opposed to just moving the weight from point A to point B. (Arnold called this the mind-muscle connection, and for stimulating and isolating a muscle it's very productive.)

The fact is, more bodybuilders than not would fall short of being what most would consider super strong, yet they posses some serious muscle mass.

2 – Carving in striations? Not! Listen, neither high reps nor isolation exercises (or the two combined) will "carve striations" into your muscles. So if you're barking up the cable cross-over or leg extension tree in hopes of some striations falling your way, you're wasting your time.

Same goes for cuts between muscles. Think about it, what makes for a deep valley? Two big hills on either side, right? If you want deeper cuts, get bigger muscles. And if you want striations, lose some body fat.
For those seeking something a bit more high-tech that actually does work, you could get some deep tissue massage or ART (Active Release Techniques) done to help separate individual muscles, enhancing the visual space between them. I've performed my own type of soft tissue work (a modified ART) to really help bodybuilders improve the separation between muscles with results that were incredible, especially between the three visible quad heads.

But basically, if you want serious cuts and striations, focus on your diet and cardio, not some pansy-ass isolation exercises. 3 – Strength is very lift specific Try working your way up to squatting 405 (or whatever) for ten reps. Then immediately ditch squats in your leg routine and replace them with leg presses for 10 weeks. Now go back and try to squat 405 for ten reps. I bet you'll fail miserably.
For obvious reasons, our body adapts to the exact exercises we do week in and week out. For that reason, it's ultra important for you to find staple exercises that work well for your physique, stick with them, and get strong on them.

Dorian Yates rarely ever changed exercises; he just found the ones that worked best for him and focused on improving his performance on those. Now while I personally advocate using a bit more variety than Dorian did, he certainly managed to build a decent physique.
I'd also like to point out that in my above example of substituting squats for leg presses for ten weeks, although your strength would go down in the squat, your legs would be every bit as big and maybe even bigger. That's further support for point number one.
4 – The bench press does not build big pecs! The bench press is the most overrated exercise of all time. In fact, if you perform the bench press in the manner that most people do, it's not even very good at stimulating the pecs.
To make matters worse, other docs I've talked to concur with my observation that the flat barbell bench press is positively correlated with a number of shoulder injuries like AC joint problems, biciptal tendonitis, and torn pecs. (I'm referring to tendonitis of the long head of the biceps tendon where it slides through the biciptal groove on the head of the humerus – essentially a shoulder problem.)

I'm not saying to never do the bench press; I'm just saying that I wouldn't do it any more than any other chest exercise. Actually, I'd probably do it less than most others.

5 – Deadlifts do build a big back What gives? One minute I'm bashing the sacred bench press and talking about not needing to focus solely on lifting heavy weights, and now I'm saying to do the fundamental powerlifting exercise: the deadlift.

For years I couldn't make scientific reason of the dogma that deadlifts are the Holy Grail for developing a thick back. Try as I must to justify cable rows and pulldowns over deads, in the end the anecdotal evidence was too overwhelming. 

Look at it this way: have you even seen anyone who can deadlift some serious weight that didn't have a thick back? I didn't think so. But you will see guys all day long who can do pulldowns or cable rows with the entire weight stack yet don't have a back that could win the novice division of a local bodybuilding contest.
If you improve your deadlift by 200 pounds, I guarantee you'll have a much thicker back. 

6 – Squats are king for thigh mass I bet you can think of at least two dozen reasons why you shouldn't squat. Don't waste your time; they're all excuses, excuse, excuses. 

The truth is, squats are hard-ass work, so we want them to be overrated! I'll be the first to admit that I don't like doing them, but I do like the results.
To show how effective squats are at stimulating the quads and even hams, do ten sets of ten deep reps on the squat and see how sore you get. Now try to duplicate that level of deep muscle soreness with any other leg exercise, leg presses and hack squats included. It simply won't happen (assuming you had the cojones to use close to your 10RM on most sets of those squats.)
Like deadlifts for back, there are just far too many people who've built great legs with squats to deny their effectiveness. Don't get caught up in reading those muscle tabloids and the fact that many pro-bodybuilders don't do squats. If you dig deeper (as I've done) you'll find that the vast majority of them builttheir legs with squats and now maintain them with other exercises.
As Ronnie Coleman so eloquently stated, "Eva body wanna be a bodybuilda, but don't nobody wanna lif' no heavy-ass weight." The same could be said for squatting.
7 – Don't Always Train to Failure It's ingrained in many of us that, sans a warm-up or two, if you're going to pick up a weight, you're going to lift it until you can't lift it anymore. After all, that's the way a Testosterone Nation man should train, right?
Not necessarily.
If you're going to train to failure you're going to have to severely limit the number of sets you do in order decrease your chance of overtraining. While training to failure for a limited number of sets can work (a la Max OT Training, DC Training, and Heavy Duty Training) it's a lot easier, probably safer, and just as effective to stop a rep or two short of failure. I know I've made my best gains in strength when training to just short of failure. If it's scientific studies you're interested in, a recent study showed that training to failure led to hormonal signs of overtraining. Yet another study showed that only training to failure on the last of three sets was more effective than training to failure on all three sets.

Like Lee Haney said, "You should stimulate, not annihilate the muscle." 

8 – Don't have Training ADD I'll admit it. I have a severe case of Training Attention Deficit Disorder. How many times have you started a new program only to ditch it for yet another program after only two or three weeks? If you're like me, it's fun to just go to the gym and do whatever you feel like that day. However, there's a serious downside to that. 

By switching programs and exercises all the time, you don't give your body enough time to reap the benefits of your current program or exercises. For instance, if you decide to do H.I.T. for three months, then do it for three months! Don't be an idiot and ditch it after five weeks because you're bored and wanna do Advanced German Volume Training and a unique exercise you saw Christian Thibaudeau do. Save it for when you've completed your current program. 

To appease your inner ADD child, occasionally do 8 or 10 weeks of fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants training. Just don't turn that eight weeks into eight months or you'll end up spinning your wheels.
9 – Ditch Total Body Training I'm well aware of the plethora of benefits of Total Body Training (TBT), and I'll agree that you can build a very good body with it. In fact, I train some of my clients with TBT. With that being said, I simply don't feel that TBT can take your physique to its ultimate potential.

Now, by "ultimate potential" I'm speaking of size and definition – a physique that would win a local bodybuilding or even Figure show. I have no studies, but tons of anecdotal evidence to back this up.
You've got to hit a muscle with a fairly high number of sets or crazy intensity to get maximum hypertrophy. In other words, you need to induce a lot of micro-trauma to the muscle. It's simply not feasible to do that to more than two or three muscle groups per day. 

So if throwing things or people is your forte, then rock on with TBT. If you wanna have a stage-worthy physique, then split your body into groups. As for anecdotal evidence, not one pro or top amateur bodybuilder trains their whole body at one time. While I'm not one to blindly follow others, you've got to admit that that's some pretty convincing anecdotal evidence. 

10 – Consider Stretching Part of Training As someone who treats soft-tissue injuries, I could go on for days about the benefits of stretching to prevent injuries and imbalances. But how does stretching have anything to do with looking good naked? Let me tell you.
Stretching, over time, will help to expand the fascia that tightly encompasses muscles and muscle groups. This tight-ass fascia is thought to be one of the limiting factors of muscle growth. Therefore we want to find a way to stretch it to allow the muscle tissue some room to breath (or grow). Since site-injecting a few cc's of oil into a muscle isn't the smartest thing to do, let's just use stretching to accomplish this goal of expanded fascia.
In order to maximize the volumizing effects, stretch right after training a particular body part while it's still pumped. Also, keep in mind that for connective tissue (like fascia) to stretch, you're going to have to do a lot of stretching (essentially Time Under Tension) and that stretching is going to have to be pretty intense.
I recommend stretching a muscle for about 60 seconds immediately after training it. You should be stretching hard enough that you're really counting down those final seconds. Additionally, stretch another time or two during the day. 

11 – Try Low-Frequency Training In case you didn't know, most bodybuilders these days train two or three body parts per day and train each body part only once every five to seven days. I'll admit that training each body part once per week doesn't scientifically seem like the optimal way to train. However, when you consider that about 95% of physique competitors (natural or otherwise) train that way, it's hard to argue with the real-world results. 

Now keep in mind that when training each body part only weekly, you need to hit that body part with plenty of work – again, lot's of micro-trauma. Three sets of eight reps on bench for chest ain't gonna cut it; three to five exercises per body part is more like it. 

While I think training each body part once per week is a great basic template, I also advocate some higher frequency training from time to time in order to bring up a lagging body part. However, one can still improve body parts by training them only once per week. People do it all the time, and I'm doing it right now.
For the record, Figure competitors should (and typically do) train in a similar fashion to bodybuilders. Sure, leg hypertrophy often has to be kept in check, but training for Figure is more similar to training for bodybuilding than it is different. 

12 – Feeling the muscle work is of utmost importance As previously discussed, simply being strong isn't a guarantee that you'll get the muscle size you desire. When you train with a focus on simply moving a lot of weight, you will (albeit subconsciously) lift in such a manner as to make the exercise easier, either by changing the leverage or by coordinating other muscles to aid you in executing the lift. 

Take the bench press for example. To really have a big bench you have to do it in such a manner as to use your front delts, triceps, and even lats as much or more as you use your pectorals. However, while this may boost your ego, it's not doing wonders for making your pecs grow. 

If your goal is big pecs, then you need to perform the bench press in such a way as to maximize the stimulation on your pecs while minimizing the role the ancillary muscles play in the lift. 

To a bodybuilder, the weight on the bar is only a means to an end. Really focus on feeling the working muscle during an exercise. Then, and only then, try to do more weight or more reps while maintaining that mind-muscle connection. 

Conclusion If your primary goal is looking good in your birthday suit, I encourage you to really think about and apply these principles. If you want to enter a strongman contest, then train like a strongman competitor. If powerlifting is your sport of choice, train like they do. But if you want to look like a bodybuilder, then I'd suggest you learn how successful physique competitors typically train. Even better, learn from some of those who built a great physique from a less-than-stellar foundation, and you'll be well on your way.

SSN Anabolic Muscle

SSN Anabolic Muscle Builder XXXL Weight Gainers & Mass Gainers


Product information provided by the seller on the Website is not exhaustive, please read the label on the physical product carefully for complete information provided by the manufacturer. For additional information, please contact the manufacturer.

Dietary Preference - Low Cholesterol Brand - SSN

Flavor - Chocolate

Usage Timings - Pre-workout, Post-workout

Quantity - 5 kg

Number of Scoops per Container 25

Container Type - Barrel

Ayurvedic - No

Protein Type- Weight Gainers & Mass Gainers

Model Number -8906045127240

Form- Powder

Serving Size- 200 g

Model Name- Anabolic Muscle Builder XXXL

Food Preference -Veg

Composition -Carbohydrate 144 g, Fat 2 g, Protein 36 g

Shelf Life -18 Month

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Mass Gain Booster

Important Information

Carbohydrate Blend (Long Chain Glucose Polymers, Dextrose); Fast Acting Protein Blend; (Whey Protein Concentrate 35% & Soya Protein Isolate); Vitamin Premix; Sucralose; Acesulphame-K; Cocoa Powder;Super Acting Amino Blend Arginine, Beta-Alanine; Creatine; Medium Chain Triglyceride & Milk Powder. Gum Xanthan (E415); Contain Permitted nature Identical Flavors & Preservatives .


Legal Disclaimer:
While we work to ensure that product information is correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists. Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and/or different information than that shown on our web site. We recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product. For additional information about a product, please contact the manufacturer.

Dymatize Nutrition Super Mass Gainer

Product Description

The ultimate mass gaining and body-building sport nutrition supplement from Dymatize proudly presents Dymatize super mass gainer. Just as the name suggests, you would not only gain mass, rather you would put on some 'super mass'. Comprising of a highly concerted formula. The Dymatize super mass gainer is an all-inclusive merge using the zytrixa technology.

 Rich in carbohydrates, its powerful mass-gaining support formula is specifically designed for hardest gainers, to help recover from the strenuous workouts. The product contains a glutamine rich protein that provides you with the necessary amino acid fusion and this in turn enhances recovery and fastens body growth.

It guarantees 'nil side effects' for its digestive enzyme formula enables the absorption of maximal calories and proteins without disturbing the routine digestive activities. Just one serving renders about 1280 calories plus, 50 grams of ultra high quality proteins, 252 grams of carbohydrates, 1 gram of supplementary creatine, a proprietary amino acid blend and ample vitamins and minerals. The major ingredients enclose the perfect fusion of maltodextrin, Dymatize protein blend, Dymatize simple carbohydrate blend, mineral and fatty acids blend, natural cocoa and loads and loads of minerals.

Universal Nutrition Gainfast

Product Description

If you turn back the bodybuilding clock, you’ll no doubt remember that old stand by, the “weight gainer.” You probably picked up an economy-sized bottle when you were playing high school football–before you became a competitive bodybuilder. Along with the animal pak, a quality weight gainer was probably one of the first supplements you ever used. For years, supplement companies sold tons of this stuff. Why? Because it worked. Today, the weight gainer has lost much of its popularity.

And over the years, the weight gainer has changed very little. But whether you grew up bodybuilding in the 1980s, 1990s or today, one thing remains certain: To bulk up and put on quality muscle weight, you need plenty of calories. And when you can’t eat any more, you need more calories. Gain Fast 3100 helps. Big time. For most of us, putting on weight is a simple process (for some, all too easy).

Eat more of everything–quality protein, whole foods, vegetables, eggs, milk, fruits, good fats and the like. For others, gaining weight is a difficult proposition. You have a hard time eating every three hours. You always feel full. Maybe you’re a “hard gainer” who can’t seem to put on weight no matter how you try or how much you eat. Gain Fast 3100 has been designed to fuel your body with up to 3100 quality calories per day.

But sometimes, even mega-calories aren’t enough. Sometimes you need something more, something like anabolic boosters, performance herbs, natural plant sterols, efas, digestive enzymes and muscle optimizers. Where else can you get this kind of formula? Nowhere else in the world. It’s only available in Gain Fast 3100. With Gain Fast 3100’s exclusive “Get Big Quick” Formula, you get over 3100 calories from 150 g of protein, 596 g of carbohydrates, and only 15 g of fat.

Aminoz-Bulk Mass Gainer

Product Description

Product Description Aminoz BULK an Advanced Weight gain formula is a powerful blend developed By Cramming - 1279 calories per serving , 60gm of whey protein sourced from United State Of America, to support muscle growth and strength gains when used in conjunction with resistance training. Aminoz BULK a World class scientific Formula with Best Delicious Taste is Developed with NO SUGAR and NO


Gains with Aminoz BULK also provide the stimulus to radically alter your physique to give you a chiseled, rock-hard look.
While other gainers cause you to bloat up like a water tank and gain slabs of fat and make you look and feel like garbage, Aminoz BULK can help you achieve massive and rapid gains in Muscle Mass.

Distinct from other gainers, Aminoz BULK is the answer to today's hard training and hardcore power.

BSN True-Mass 1200

Product Description

Flavor:Chocolate | Size:3 kg / 6.6 lbs Offers a simple yet effective way to gain weight and also helps you pack on and enhance lean muscle mass to give you that look you've always longed for. MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer has the most balanced blend of high quality proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals that can be suitably consumed by both males and females for healthy weight gain.

With MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer, you can be assured of a constant weight gain without eating too much or eating unhealthy. MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer is a delicious way towards healthy weight gain and has: CARBOHYDRATES A serving of 100 grams has about 75 grams of high quality complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates makes up the bulk of your daily calorie intake and helps you replenish your daily glycogen levels.


Tissues in your body are made up of proteins. Lack of it leads to a breakdown of tissues and loss of muscle and fat subsequently.?A 100 grams serving of MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer has about 15 grams of high quality Protein. They ensure your fat stores aren't getting burnt up and the nitrogen balance of your body is maintained. FAT Fats are essential stores of energy. A healthy 6 grams of fat is present in a serving of 100 grams of MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer. DIETARY FIBRE 2 grams in every 100 grams of MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer, Dietary fibre helps in quicker digestion and a better absorption of the Carbohydrate and Protein.

Universal Nutrition Animal Mass

Product Description

Live large. That urge is what first brought you to the gym. To be bigger and stronger than your peers. To feel powerful. To watch yourself grow. It was emotional, so much more than the mere physical process of adding muscle. Being big was a declaration. That you weren't satisfied being just like everybody else. You wanted to be better. You wanted more. And ever since you've been on a mission. Your eating, your training, your entire lifestyle, revolve around a simple goal... Grow. 

We get it. We've been there. We live it every day. After all, you don't get the name Animal for nothing. In the past, we were known for packs. Not just the legendary Pak, but Stak, Pump, Cuts, you name it. Conveniently pre-dosed packs of pills, each designed with a different anabolic performance goal in mind. But in recent years, we've expanded the line to include pre-workouts and other powders worthy of the Animal moniker. Our relentless pursuit of supplement excellence, when focused on powdered products helped us deliver Rage XL, Juiced Aminos and Whey to a rabid audience of Animal enthusiasts.

But for us, that wasn't enough. We recognized there was something else we could bring to the masses yearning for size. A tool so powerful, that when used properly and consistently, could be among the most effective supplements a lifter ever consumed. Best part is, there's nothing all that fancy about it. No science-fiction or marketing spin necessary. Because it is rooted in a simple truth. To grow beyond your body's natural capacity, you need calories. 

And if you can't eat enough to get over the hump, you need to supplement. But not with just any empty calories. As with all endeavors, quality in equals quality out. This pursuit of quality is what informed the formulation of the all new Animal Mass. Multiple protein sources like whey isolate, hydrolyzed whey, micellar casein and egg albumin. Several, easily digested, fiber-rich complex carbohydrate sources from oat

MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer

Product Description

Flavor:Chocolate | Size:3 kg / 6.6 lbs Offers a simple yet effective way to gain weight and also helps you pack on and enhance lean muscle mass to give you that look you've always longed for. MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer has the most balanced blend of high quality proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals that can be suitably consumed by both males and females for healthy weight gain. With MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer, you can be assured of a constant weight gain without eating too much or eating unhealthy.

MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer is a delicious way towards healthy weight gain and has: CARBOHYDRATES A serving of 100 grams has about 75 grams of high quality complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates makes up the bulk of your daily calorie intake and helps you replenish your daily glycogen levels. PROTEINS Tissues in your body are made up of proteins. Lack of it leads to a breakdown of tissues and loss of muscle and fat subsequently.?

A 100 grams serving of MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer has about 15 grams of high quality Protein. They ensure your fat stores aren't getting burnt up and the nitrogen balance of your body is maintained. FAT Fats are essential stores of energy. A healthy 6 grams of fat is present in a serving of 100 grams of MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer. DIETARY FIBRE 2 grams in every 100 grams of MuscleBlaze Weight Gainer, Dietary fibre helps in quicker digestion and a better absorption of the Carbohydrate and Protein.

Lean Mass Gainer

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MuscleBlaze Mass Gainer XXL

Important Information Directions:

HOW MUCH Calculate the RMR. The resting metabolic rate is the amount of calories per day that the body requires to maintain its existing weight. Here's how to figure it out with the Mifflin - St. Jeor formula. Convert the weight from pounds to kilograms by dividing the weight in pounds by 2.2. The result is the weight in kilograms. Convert the height from inches to centimeters. Multiply the height in inches by 2.54. The result is the height in centimeters. Plug the information into the formula. The basic formula is RMR = 10 * weight (kg) + 6.25 * height (cm) - 5 * age(y) + x. For men, x = 5; for women, x = -161. The aforementioned formula calculates how much calories the body would burn if the body is resting for an entire day. The following table enables calculation of an individual's recommended daily calorie intake to maintain current weight.

Product Description

This new and improved MuscleBlaze Mass Gainer XXL is formulated with 15% extra protein for more muscle. It can help meet your caloric requirement and ensure quick delivery of nutrients, which you require for hard training sessions. Powerful complex of carbs, proteins and energy boosters MuscleBlaze Mass Gainer XXL offers a balanced blend of carbs, proteins and performance boosters.

 Enriched with high-quality proteins and easily-digestible carbohydrates in the ratio of 1:3, this supplement helps in not only building your muscle tissues, but also enhancing muscle power to carry out intense workout regimen. So if you are looking to gain some serious muscles while maximising your daily workout, this product is the best choice to go with.

 Blended with fast- and slow-releasing amino acids Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. If you do not get enough amino acids, the protein in the body begins to degrade. Considering this, MuscleBlaze Mass Gainer XXL is enriched with the goodness of both whey and soy proteins to take muscle building to a whole new level. These proteins make excellent sources of all essential amino acids.

Being a fast-digesting protein, whey protein gets easily absorbed in the muscles and provides them with adequate fuel for muscle recovery, whereas soy is a slow-digesting protein, which helps in slow and steady release and utilisation of amino acids. 

The combination of these proteins can help you achieve lean muscles. Fortified with vital nutrients and minerals Vitamins and minerals play an important role in relieving metabolic stress created by exercise. By stimulating biochemical reactions in the body for energy, the vital nutrients present in this supplement help in getting rid of muscle fatigue after exercise. Apart from this, it is also enhanced with fibre for better digestion and absorption of all nutrients.

Muscletech Premium Mass Gainer

Product Description

Muscletech 100% Premium Mass Gainer 

• Study Results: Subjects Gained Double the Muscle • Build Mass, Increase Strength & Accelerate Recovery

 • Designed to Enhance Nutrient Absorption into Muscles 

• Features BCAAs, Essential Minerals, Glutamine & 

More New 100% Premium Mass Gainer is one of the latest innovations from Team MuscleTech - America's #1 Selling Bodybuilding Supplement Brand. This power-packed massbuilding formula is an effective way for bodybuilders, strength athletes and hard gainers to get the nutrients and musclebuilding compounds needed to grow bigger and stronger! Not only does 100% Premium Mass Gainer really work, it also comes in two delicious, mouth-watering flavours that'll leave you wanting more! Enjoy All the Benefits of 100% Premium Mass Gainer:

Perfect for bodybuilders, strength athletes and hard gainers looking for nutrients to grow bigger and stronger. Delivers additional calories to help meet the unique needs of serious athletes. Formulated with a scientifically validated musclebuilding compound shown in studies to build more muscle size and strength. 

Accelerates muscle recovery when used to meet your daily protein requirements. Designed to elevate insulin and drive nutrients into muscles for serious gains. Provides essential branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), minerals, glutamine and more. Easy to take any time of day. For best results, take between meals and before bed. Tastes absolutely amazing! Mixes easily in milk or water. 

NEW Power-Packed Massbuilding Formula NEW 100% Premium Mass Gainer helps you meet your unique caloric needs by delivering a massive 1,270 calories, including 50 grams of high-quality protein and

Advance Weight Gainer

Mass Weight Gainer Whey Protein Supplement for Men & Women

Carbohydrate Blend (Long Chain Glucose Polymers, Dextrose); Fast Acting Protein Blend; (Whey Protein Concentrate 70% & Soya Protein Isolate, Calcium Caseinate ); Acesulphame-K; Gum Xanthan (E415); Vitamin Premix; Contain Permitted nature Identical Flavors & Preservatives .

Nutritional Highlights Per 100 gm : Calories-385 KCals; Protien-25Gms.;Fats - 4g; Carbs - 70gms. Added Sugar - Nil; Fibre - 2gms; Glutamine 16gms.

Additional Information: Contains milk, nut and soy ingredients. Made on equipment that also processed peanuts and wheat. Best quality Mass gainer in banana Flavour 3kg 6.6lbs

Venky's Mass Gainer

Product Description

Flavor:Chocolate | Size:1000 g Product Description If you are one of those people who just can't gain weight, get ready to add some serious size. Offers ideal ratio of Protein to Carbohydrate (1:3) needed for muscle development and can be used as a part of an effective, sensible weight gain and muscle development program. Sucrose offers instant energy source which spares muscle protein during exercise thus offers anti-catabolic effect Protein shows Anabolic effect and improves muscle mass Vitamins fasten the biochemical reaction thus help to generate energy (ATP) during exercise that relieves fatigue after exercise Electrolytes hydrate muscle thus stimulate protein synthesis Drink a delicious Mass Gainer shake at mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and again before bedtime to get the best results.


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The Egg Powder division of Venkateshwara Hatcheries Pvt. Ltd., under whose umbrella Venky's Sports Nutrition division falls, operates the World's best state of art egg processing plant in India. The machinery has been installed and commissioned by Food Engineering Service of the United States, the World leaders in Egg processing Technology. This plant is specifically set up to export Egg White Powder to the International market. The plant has the capacity to process 1 Million Eggs per day. The eggs used in preparation of Egg White Powder are Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) eggs which are free from disease causing micro organisms. 

Exclusively designed for Ectomorphs who are underweight Offers ideal Carbohydrate to protein ratio of 3:1 for rapid weight gain 100% vegetarian formula containing milk protein Fortified with micronutrients to enhance the nutrient absorption Suitable for all age groups Method
Take 200ml of cold milk or water mixed with milk powder (Appx. 15g) in a shaker. Add 1 Scoop (30g) of Venky's Mass gainer to it. Shake briskly to form a delicious drink and consume immediately.

Usage tips

Consume immediately after preparation Store in a cool, hygienic and dry place Details of proteins
Role of Proteins
Protiens are the only nutrients which are source of nitrogen in our diet. The food which contains all 9 essential amino acids in their compositions are called complete protiens and they pose fewer burdens on the kidneys by producing less urea. They are also referred as First Class protiens
Building lean muscle mass Developing immunity Major components of enzymes and hormones DNA and RNA are protiens(amino acids) which carries genetic information to next generation Used as energy Daily protein requirements
The protein needed each day varies according to an individual Calculating Protein Requirement for a70 kg person with a sedentary lifestyle RDA for Protein = 0.8 gm of protein / kg of healthy body weight/day Therefore a 70 kg person needs: 70 kg * 0.8g protein = 56g protein/day However, in the menu planning for the athletes in the Indian context, protein intake may exceed 2gm / kg body weight.
Activity Factor Estimation of requirements of Nutrients

What is a calorie?

A calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. The calories in food provide a measure of the energy content of the food.
Carbohydrates: 1 gram = 4 Kcal Proteins: 1 gram = 4 Kcal Fats: 1 gram = 9 Kcal The minimum amount of energy required when resting, called the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) can be calculated using the Mifflin-St Jeor equations. Male: BMR = 10 x weight in kilos + 6.25 x height in cm - 5 x age in yrs + 5 Female: BMR = 10 x weight in kilos + 6.25 x height in cm – 5 x age in yrs - 161

The BMR has to be multiplied by an activity factor to estimate the daily calorie requirements. The number of calories that you need depends on the size of the body and the level of activity.

Calculating caloric requirement of a 70kg, 175cm and 25yr old male with a lightly active lifestyle. 
=10x70+6.25x175-5x25+5 =1674 Kcal Thus the daily caloric requirement =BMR* Activity Factor(1.375) =2312 Kcal

See the Calorie/protein/fat/carbohydrate content of some popular foods in the table on the right hand side

Arnold's Iron Mass

Product Description

Flavor:Chocolate Malt Product Description Arnold Schwarzenegger teamed up with MusclePharm scientists and together they created a revolutionary weight gainer. It takes both calories and precise nutrient partitioning to create the muscle building environment an athlete needs. As a whole new kind of all-in-one Mass Gainer, this supplement addresses every angle of muscle building. It utilizes a 5-stage Mass Delivery System, comprised of advanced protein technology, elite complex carbs, healthy fats, cutting-edge performance ingredients and a balanced digestive blend -- plus it's low in sugar and tastes delicious! From the Manufacturer Iron Mass View Larger Iron Mass Revolutionary All-In-One Weight Gainer Supports Gains In Hard, Dense Muscle Mass And Strength Features “Muscle Plasma Protein Technology” Contains A Blend Of Healthy Fats, Complex Carbohydrates & Bcaa Nitrates High Performance Mass Building Fuel

The Smart Way To Trigger Explosive Muscle Growth - Fast!

Arnold Schwarzenegger teamed up with MusclePharm scientists and together they created a revolutionary weight gainer. In order to stimulate rapid muscle growth (and do this without spurring fat development) it takes both calories and precise nutrient partitioning to create the Muscle Building environment an athlete needs. A whole new kind of muscle building. It utilizes a 5-stage Mass Delivery System, comprised of advanced protein technology, elite complex carbs, healthy fats, cutting edge performance ingredients and a balanced digestive blend—plus it’s low in sugar and tastes delicious!


5-Stage Mass Delivery System Attacks Every Angle of Muscle Building!
Elite Complex Carbohydrates Matrix: Quicker recovery & Muscle Building, giving muscles a skin-splitting look Muscle Plasma Protein Technology: 40g of a potent blend of Whey Protein Concentrate High Performance Healthy Fats: Blend of healthy fats (EFA’s), MCT’s and saturated fats which are essential for hormone production Performance Growth & Muscle Volumizer: Creatine and BCAA nitrates help promote muscular strength, size and endurance Pro-Digest Blend: Special dietary fiber blend, aids with Digestion of added protein, carbs and fat you need to… Get Big. Stay Big.

“Muscle Plasma Protein Technology.” A Cutting-Edge Combination of Whey Protein Concentrate.
Muscle Plasma Protein Technology (MPPT) is a cutting edge combination of Whey Protein Concentrate engineered for elite athletes and hardcore lifters. It is the superior choice for building Lean Muscle and getting the desired anabolic effect. By consuming this blend as your protein source, you experience rapid gains in muscle and weight. The technological breakthrough contains more bioactive proteins and peptides and Three Times the level of anabolic growth factors as whey. With increased anabolic potential, it helps you absorb amino acids more efficiently and increase your nitrogen balance. Iron Mass was formulated to support the recycling of aminos back into the muscle building pathways to support nitrogen retention and the promotion of muscle growth and performance. MPPT helps users gain lean muscle mass through the breaking of the catabolic cycle using immunoglobulin and mitogenic growth factors such as IGF-1 and immunomodulatory cytokines.

Some researchers postulate Muscle Plasma Protein Technology allows for greater absorption of amino acids, fats, and carbohydrates. A healthy gut means a healthier athlete. The body’s innate ability to ward off infection allows for you, the athlete, to continually compete at a high level. In turn, the Immune System is allowed to fight and ward off illness, keeping you in the game longer.

These statements Have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to Diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Muscletech Mass Tech

New mass-tech is an advanced muscle mass gainer designed for any individual that has a tough time adding size, is in their bulking phase and/or wants to break through their strength plateaus. Power packed with 80 grams of protein and 1170 calories when mixed with 2 cups of skim milk, this potently superior formula is enhacned with proven anabolic drivers for rapid mass gain and strength. 

Sinew Elevate Mass Gainer

Important Information

Safety Information: Caution: This product contains milk & dairy derivatives, hence is not suitable for people with lactose intolerance. This product is not a medicine or a substitute for a medicine/medical advice. Do not use as a soul source of nutrition for weight gain or maintenance. Diabetic patients, pregnant/lactating women, patients suffering from other diseases/ailments, children under 18 years of age need to consult with a doctor/physician before consuming this product. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool/dry place. In case of any discomfort, discontinue use & seek physician's help.


Ingredients: Whey Protein Concentrates, Calcium Caseinate Soya Protein, Skimmed Milk, Vegetable Fat, Sucrose, Creatine, Maltodextrin, Cocoa, Nature & artificial Flavours, Vitamins & Minerals Blend. Supplement Facts: APPROX. COMPOSITION :Per 100g :Calories 408 Kcal :Protein 15g :Total Carbohydrate 76g :Added Sugar 27g :Fiber 2g :Total Fat 4g :Calcium 490g :Creatine 4g :L- Glutamine 50mg :Glutamine Peptides 50mg :Vitamin A 1668 IU :Vitamin C 20mg :Vitamin D 200 IU :Vitamin E 10 IU :Thiamine 1.2mg :Riboflavin 1mg :Niacin 8mg :Vitamin B6 2mg :Vitamin B12 3mg :Folic Acid 250mcg :Pantothenic Acid 5mg :Biotin 27mcg :Calcium 490mg :Iron 8mg :Sodium 110mg :Magnesium 70mg :Potassium 612mg

Directions: Direction For Use: Mix 1 Serving (2 Scoops) 100gms to 350ml - 400ml of milk or water. Stir for about 20 seconds or until powder is completely dissolved. (Scoop size 50 gm).For the ultimate in maximum Mass gain, take up to three servings of daily; one in the morning, another in the afternoon, and a final serving at bedtime (20-30 minutes before going to sleep).

Product Description

Flavor:Chocolate | Size:2Kg Sinew Elevate Mass Gainer is an innovative and revolutionary product from the house of Sinew Nutrition and they pack a punch in their mass gain formula. It has more protein and carbohydrate content than any other mass gainer in the market. Sinew Elevate Mass Gainer increases your overall intake of calories per day and helps you to gain healthy lean muscle mass. HOW IT WORKS? If you have been trying to gain weight by eating food several times a day and still failing, give Sinew Elevate Mass Gainer a go and watch yourself gaining muscle healthily in no time. 

Sinew Elevate Mass Gainer v/s Other Mass Gainers: This new age product is vastly different from other mass gainers in the market whose focus is on increasing weight by questionable means and harmful components which can harm your internal body functions and immune system. At Sinew Nutrition, We understand the importance of each molecule of protein, carbs, and vitamins and help you gain weight naturally and healthily without any side effects. So do not go battling against guys who call you TINY or PAPERTHIN. Just buy Sinew Elevate Mass Gainer and see the difference within 20 days of consumption!

Endura Mass Weight Gainer

Product Description 

Endura Mass is an easy way to gain and maintain weight. It is 100% vegetarian therefore it can be taken without any hesitation. A balanced formulation of high quality soy proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, It provides up to 3480 extra calories per day other than the calories gained by regular diet.

From the Manufacturer Gain Weight, Stay Fit, Look Great

Endura Mass is an easy way to gain and maintain weight. It is 100% vegetarian therefore it can be taken without any hesitation. A balanced formulation of high quality soy proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins, Endura Mass gives vital nutrients and energy that helps in gaining optimum weight.
It provides up to 3480 extra calories per day other than the calories gained by regular diet. Suitable for both males and females, with the regular intake of Endura Mass, one may start feeling the difference in 3-4 weeks. For good physique, regular exercise is suggested

Suggested Use

Add 10-30 gms (2-3 teaspoons) Endura Mass in a glass or milk or juice. Mix well. Take this drink one to three times a day.

For quick gain, mix 2-3 teaspoons of Endura Mass in a glass of full cream milk along with 2 bananas. Take this twice, daily. Avoid taking Endura Mass just before bedtime.

Contains Whole Milk, Skimmed Milk, Maltos Dextrine, Soy proteins, Sucrose, Minerals, Vitamins, Approved Flavours and Preservatives.

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass

Product Description

Ramping up size and strength isn’t about eating more. You want quality calories from staged proteins and rapidly assimilated carbohydrates to help replenish the glycogen burned up during all that heavy lifting. ON’s serious mass brings plenty of both with added glutamine, creatine and 25 vitamins and minerals -all without any added sugar. Size up the incredible potential these 1250 quality calories hold. High-Calorie Weight Gain Formula Serious weight gain goals require serious calories. Unfortunately, those who need the extra calories most often have a hard time consuming enough of them. For many aspiring to be bigger, a highly- active metabolism, weaker appetite and on-the-run lifestyle can make it a real challenge to get enough calories from food.

With 1,250 calories and 50 grams of protein per serving, you’ve got lots to gain from ON’s Serious Mass. Get serious about your sizable ambitions with Serious Mass. Beyond The Basics 1,250 calories per serving mixed with water and 1,640 calories when blended into low-fat milk. Over 250 grams of carbohydrates to fuel intense workouts & help replenish glycogen stores – with no sugar added. Includes 25 Vitamins & Minerals, Creatine, Glutamine & MCTs. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.